January 26 – Feburary 2, February 5 – February 9

9:30 – 10:18


JV Choir – C

Monday  Skill Lesson  

Note Names on the treble clef

Discuss Every Good Bird Does Fly or any sentence that has these letters

And spaces FACE

Work at the board and see who can get it right first – call out first line, second space etc

Have fun with them

Then work on Lesson 1 Unit 3 

Read over p. 39  Discuss music alphabet going forwards and backwards   Ask them what comes before g, f, a etc

Do lesson 1 p.40 together

Use Yellow Books Experiencing Choral Music

They sing melody only

Elijah Rock pp 18/19

America the Beautiful  work on memorizing words for first and third verses  Test them to see how much they have memorized – they can work with a friend to work on memorizing  They can do first verse monday/Tuesday and 2nd verse WednesdayThursday




And any others you would like to do   The CD player hooks up to the computer which hooks up to the epson speaker!  All of the music is in the music app – look under recently added


Unit 13 Lesson REview p. 41

Introduce Bass Clef note names

Do the same thing on the board

Have them write the sentence three times

Great Big Dogs Fight Animals or sentence of their choice

All Cows EAt Grass

Read p. 42

Use Yellow Books Experiencing Choral Music

They sing melody only

Elijah Rock pp 18/19

America the Beautiful  work on memorizing words for first and third verses  Test them to see how much they have memorized – they can work with a friend to work on memorizing  They can do first verse monday/Tuesday and 2nd verse WednesdayThursday





Names of the Bass Clef

Leger LInes – Discuss  Have them write in note names os p. 44

Use Yellow Books Experiencing Choral Music

  The CD player hooks up to the computer which hooks up to the epson speaker! 



P.44 Leger LInes

Practice at board

 draw them up on board then have them label or you can have them draw them

Use Yellow Books Experiencing Choral Music

They sing melody only

Elijah Rock pp 18/19

America the Beautiful  work on memorizing words for first and third verses  Test them to see how much they have memorized – they can work with a friend to work on memorizing  They can do first verse monday/Tuesday and 2nd verse WednesdayThursday


IAnd any others you would like to do   The CD player hooks up to the computer which hooks up to the epson n speaker! 


ON Fridays, I let them play their songs.   They have to be clean lyrics, but it is a little free time for them.  If they havent finished skill lessons, this is also when they catch up.


Varsity Choir 10;20 – 1110?

Please have Layla Addi do a five minute warm up   Contest Piece : Salmo 150 

Sing through this 3 x as a group.  *Have them break into parts and work on their respective SATB parts  


Thursday Five Minute Warm up Work On Sanctus intensely  Sing at least three times as a group.  Work parts, then come back together for last ten minutes 


During enrichment if you don’t mind, you can work altos, or bass, or sopranos that are available or section leaders.



We Remember

Same schedule as before!




2:00 7/8th Grade  YWe do 15/15/15   

15 minutes of skills

15 minutes of yellow book

15 minutes of High School Musical Songs

Skills  In the big maroon notebook they should be on Lesson 6 – pp 10/11

Discuss key signatures  We are focusing on c g f

We clap the rhythms

Sing the sol feg together as sopranos and altos

Then we put the harmony altogether for lines 5 and 6 (they will need to sing separately first)

iI have tenors read soprano line and sing octave down

Then next 15 – go to yellow book Experiencing Choral Music

Do the same songs as you did with JV 




You will have to pound out parts but they are working on it and capable(as opposed to JV)

Last 15 – Sing songs from High School Musical Junior – the CD is downloaded into the computer under the red music tab or I will leave the actual CD as well

The songs are all paper clipped in the book – just sing through all of them if time! 


3:00 – 3:45 6th Grade


3:00  6th Grade  


The purpose is just to get some ideas for moves

Then Tuesday go through each song – you can pull up on Youtube just put in song name and John Jacobson

 Sing through each song onceWork on moves for each song!   You can probably only get through like 2 or three  We already started on the first one.

February 4-9


Intense Wrok on Concert and Sightreading Prep

JV Continue Skill Lessons and Yellow Book Songs

7/8 Grade.

Skil Lessons  Sight Reading Lessons

yellow Book

6th Grade

Rock and roll Forever

All Songs

Add Choreography


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