August 28 – September 1

6th Grade

Recorder Skills

Review all Recorder Rules

Review Au Claire DE Lune

New:  P. 6 Suo Gan, Merrily WE Roll Along

Tuesday Merrily We roll Along in Groups

Buns Cross Hot

Quarter Note Quickstep

Wednesday. Discuss half notes and half rests

Half Note Hop Review all Songs

Thursday. Discuss Time Signatures Triple Meter Practice/ Wacky Waltz/ The Frog

Steps and Skips Good News

*Review all rests and repeat signs – differentiate between 3/4 and 4/4

FUN FRIDAY Songs of their choice if sent in and approved

Alternate p. 8. Eight Note Encounter

Lucy Locket

Hop Old Squirrel

Marys Busy Lamb

7/8th Grade

Each day Monday through Friday – Focus on one all Region Song

TB:  Hold On, Song of Myself, Anything

SSA Songs in the Night, Musica Dei, This is Your TIme

Beginning Sight Reading

Skill Sheets

Staff, Lines, Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Whole note half note quarter note eight note – prep for Sight Reading

Choose one Pop and one Christmas Song together as a class to order and begin working on


Believer by Imagine Dragons for fun song

Recorder Skills:  Review BAG

Review all Recorder Rules

Review Au Claire DE Lune

New:  P. 6 Suo Gan, Merrily WE Roll Along

Tuesday Merrily We roll Along in Groups

Buns Cross Hot

Quarter Note Quickstep

Wednesday. Discuss half notes and half rests

Half Note Hop Review all Songs

Thursday. Discuss Time Signatures Triple Meter Practice/ Wacky Waltz/ The Frog

Steps and Skips Good News

*Review all rests and repeat signs – differentiate between 3/4 and 4/4

Go as quickly through progression of BAG as individually possible and add new note “C”

Friday – Students Choice


All Region songs – I’ll Be On My Way, O Schone Nacht, Kyrie

Everyday: Sightreading, Warm-up

Monday – Go over everything learned in workshop – sing through all songs. Write in all notes from workshop

Tuesday – Focus on Kyrie Break up into sections for 20 minutes.  Use ipads for rehearsal.   Stone works with altos

Wednesday I’ll Be on My Way – 20 minute sectionals  Stone works with sopranoes

Thursday O Schone Nacht – 20 minute sectionals – focus on tenors

Friday – work on weakest song in sectionals – focus on bass

*Remember next workshop is September 9 Navarro College



August 21 – 25

6th Grade

All Supplies should be here!

Monday – Memorize Recorder Rules

When Rules are memorized, receive your recorder! If you have your own recorder at home, and prefer to use it, you are welcome to bring.  These recorders have been donated by Allied Trophy and will stay at school.  If you lose or damage, the cost is $2 to replace

Continue to review Alma Mater

Tuesday – Thursday

Quarter Note Eight Note introduction

Basic notation cover

measures, treble clef, bar lines, note names, etc

worksheets on basic Theory

Songs and Rounds


Students Choice – songs from students

Please email Mrs. Stone by Thursday lunch time if you want to be included.  Songs should have lyrics so we can sing along

([email protected])


7/8 Grade Choir

Begin All Region Songs

Introduce Songs in the Night and Musica Dei

Listen to all students and determine voicing(soprano, soprano 2, alto, tenor, etc)

Begin sight reading exercises

Basic theory review – know quarter, half, eighth, time signatures, measure, bar lines

Introduction and review of sol – feg and intervals

Elect class officers

Choose pop song for fun

Review Alma Mater

Appendix A – Reading forward to end

Reading backward  Simple rhythms  p. 12 Upside Down Day

p. 13 The Quiet game

p. 14 Flashback

p. 15 Talk to the Hand


116 1 a Music literacy :  The student describes and analyzes music and musical sound

1C  describe musical elements of rhythm including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and paired and single eighth notes


From packet – review treble bass clef


Do fun sightreading exercise

Begin song of choice

The Staff – lines and spaces

Notes whole quarter half eighth

Whole worksheet

Half notes

Discern between bass/treble

Finish all skills in unit one

Friday – song choice


Announcement of Choir Officers

Monday O Schone Nacht. – together and 20 minute sectional

Begin Day 1 Sight Reading – 100 Days

Tuesday O Schone Nacht – 20minutes

Day 2 Sight Reading

Wednesday Kyrie from Missa Pange

Day 3 Sight Reading


Kyrie from Missa

and review O Schone Nacht

Day 4 Sight Reading


I Believe in God – sectionals then group with all 3 songs

Prepping for Le TourneauWorkshop

Day 5 Sightreading

TEKS. 117iB 3a demonstrate, alone and in groups characteristic vocal timbre

117 4B examine written and aurally presented music representative of divers genres, styles, periods, and bultures

August 15-18 Middle School and High School

Welcome to White Oak Choir.  Its great to see you back!

6th Grade

Please have a 3 ring binder – any color is fine, a pencil pouch with a highlighter and 2 pencils.  You pay purchase a “used pencil pouch with pencils and a highlighter for $1 if you need.  These are due by Friday!

Classroom Procedures and Goals

Recorder Rules and Distribution

Fun Warm up Songs



7th/8th Grade Choir


 Choir folders and music are comparable to textbooks of other classes. The student is responsible for having their folder with all contents for the beginning of each rehearsal. A storage bin is provided for the safekeeping of folders in the choir room. Below is the list of supplies required:

  • a 1” BLACK, “hard-surface” folder (with inside pockets) which has 3 rings
  • a 3-hole pencil pouch with 4 pencils, and 2 YELLOW highlighters

It is the student responsibility to put notebooks back in their respective slots each day.  Failure to do so will result in points being deducted from weekly grade.

 Our Music is very expensive. Special care of music is a necessity; therefore any lost, damaged or unnecessarily marked music is your responsibility; fines may be assessed accordingly.

If you lose your pencils, please replace them with other pencils, immediately.

NEVER USE AN INK PEN IN YOUR MUSIC, unless instructed by me to do so!


Getting to Know You Games:  Team Building

Classroom Procedures

Important Dates


Identify Voice Parts

Warm ups

Songs in the Night  by Johnson  Highlight Part. Begin listening to individual voice parts. Practice in groups

Vote on Choir Officers and assign Section Leaders




 Choir folders and music are comparable to textbooks of other classes. The student is responsible for having their folder with all contents for the beginning of each rehearsal. A storage bin is provided for the safekeeping of folders in the choir room. Below is the list of supplies required:

  • a 1” BLACK, “hard-surface” folder (with inside pockets) which has 3 rings
  • a 3-hole pencil pouch with 4 pencils, and 2 YELLOW highlighters

It is the student responsibility to put notebooks back in their respective slots each day.  Failure to do so will result in points being deducted from weekly grade.

 Our Music is very expensive. Special care of music is a necessity; therefore any lost, damaged or unnecessarily marked music is your responsibility; fines may be assessed accordingly.

If you lose your pencils, please replace them with other pencils, immediately.

NEVER USE AN INK PEN IN YOUR MUSIC, unless instructed by me to do so!



Distribute All Region Music

Discuss Handbook and first assignment

Warm up song


Identify and Verify Voice Parts

Sight Reading Review


Sol-Feg Review

Sight Reading Expectations and Assignments

Begin Kyrie from Missa Pange Highlight voice parts  Begin working in individual groups on parts


Friday. Student Parent Signatures Due and All Supplies



Middle School


  1.  Foundations:  music literacy.  The student describes and analyzes music and musical sound
  2. a.  compare and contrast exemplary musical examples using technology
  3. c.  demonstrate knowledge of musical elements of rhythm, including whole notes, half, notes quarter notes. etc

High School 117.314 2a. Read and notate music that incorporates advanced melodies and rhythms

3b demonstrate rhythmic accuracy using complex tempos and  an appropriate tempo

6ie evaluate musical performances by comparing them to similar or exemplary models and offering constructive suggestions for improvement