February 12 – 15 February 20-23


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Determine dates for accompanist and workshops

Sightreading rules

Each day – sightreading as if we were at contest

Salmo 150  Sanctus and We Remember

Intense vowel work –  Start memorizing and polishing in preparation for March 5 contes


Yellow Book Songs

Identify sharps and flats

Transfer Skills to piano

Week 2  Skill measure quarter note half notes whole notes

Steps on piano Skips on piano

Transfer all skills learned to keyboard

Day 4 reward day

Middle School

15/15/15. (15 each skill, yellow book, 15 High School Musical)

Lesson 13 and Lessson 14 Sight reading

Assign solos for High School Musical

Day 4 each week – work on solos

6th Grade

Rock and Roll forever

Finish choreography

End solo tryouts

Add script

Choose date!



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