Varsity Choir
Wednesday, March 29 -We will leave White Oak School at 10:15 to travel to Texarkana for Sight Reading and Concert contest.
We should be back by four I will keep you posted on times
April 4. All Fine Arts will be performing for White Oak’s First Fine Arts Show Day. All required to be here. Plan on about 5:30 – I will keep you posted with details
Concert April 27
We will be performing our concert songs and The Greatest Showman for the Fine Arts Show
State-bound soloists should be practicing one hour(plus) each week. This is a commitment you are making if you choose to go on this trip
7/8th Grade Choir
Concert April 27i
We will continue working on songs for concert
We are also have a contest for students to have a change to perform at the concert!
6th Grade
Tentative Performance Date March 12! 2:45
Be thinking about costumes for your part!!!