September 19 -23

6th Grade


On October 13, we will have a little 50’s party  We will sing our music and have ice cream floats to celebrate!  If  you would like to donate cokes, ice cream, or bowls, spoons, please let me know. Thank you already for the parent who have volunteered.  We will divide and conquer close to the date

I am encouraging all students to wear 50’s attire that day.  Please make this simple.  Jeans and a white t-shirt are perfect!  If you already have a poodle skirt or black leather jacket, go for it!!!  It will be a fun last day of music!

New:  We will review  Sergei Profofiev –  “march”.from the Love for Three Oranges.  Study dynamic markings and do a worksheet/listening map on “p”, “mf”, “f”, and “ff”

New Composer – Beethoven – songs A Heart Full of Music   and “Moonlight Sonata”

We will continue our 50’s music adding the last song and reviewing all previous songs.  We will start memorizing.

7th/8th Grade

Commitment forms were due last week.  We will sign up for All Region Try Outs this week!

Continued work on All Region Music

Continue Lean On Me


We will continue to sing “Back to the 50’s for warm up and fun

We will add our last song to our Broadway Musical songs “The King and I”

Continue to work on Sound of Music, Oklahoma, South Pacific

Add musical, “Carousel”

Continue sol-feg, note values, rhythm,


Commitment and sign up for All Region. Remember this is October 15!!

We will also assign and distribute tuxes and dresses.  These are your responsibility for the rest of the year.  Please keep them clean and in good condition.

We will begin songs for Senior Citizen Luncheon

All Region Songs – intense practice

We will take critique from Friday clinician and build on this

Sightreading – Week 3



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