White Oak Varsity Choir
Way to go Choir! I am so proud of these students. They made straight ones in sight reading. They were absolutely incredible. Their concert singing was awesome too. Mrs. Jennings has bragged and bragged on them and how amazing they sounded. What a great group of singers!
Next important date! April 28 Spring Concert. Come listen to the middle school choir followed by the high school choir. We will be singing our concert songs from contest and a medley from West Side Story
Middle School. 7/8th grade
Concert April 28, Thursday 6:00. This group is becoming pros at sight reading. They are such awesome learners. We are polishing a couple of classical pieces then onto some pop fun. The song, “We Don’t Talk about Bruno” will forever be etched in my mind thanks to these amazing kids. We are also working on songs for a little in=house talent show. Who knows where the nest American Idol will come from?
6th Grade
We are working on “Compose Yourself” a little mini musical which is teaching them about many of the classic composers. Your kids may come home singing a little Bach or Handel, but maybe with some “updated” lyrics.
They are also working on some group talent displays