Choir Lesson Plans – August 26 – 30, 2019

Choir Lesson Plans – Week of August 26 – 30, 2019

Junior Varsity and Varsity
Warm Ups will be chosen from the following list:
Sternum Power
Hug Yourself
Karate Kid
Italian Breath
Back Stretch
Home Alone
Get rid of the nose
Ear Training…aural training sheet
Choral warm up – Hey Ho and Loo Lah
Do major scale
Do Minor scale

Sight Singing will be chosen from the following:
Another 90 days of Sight Reading
Rhythm Bee – Rhythm Training

Students will continue to learn and memorize their appropriate part on each of the following songs; improving their tone and vocal recognition of notes.
Star Spangled Banner
Earth Song
I will be still
Great Gettin’ Up Morning

TEKS: 117.313 (3) 1e – Analyze musical forms in music selected for performance and listening
117.313 (3) 1f – Analyze concepts of balance and blend using appropriate terminology
117.313 (3) 3a – Demonstrate mature, characteristic sound appropriate for the genre
117.313 (3) 4a – Exhibit mature, characteristic sound appropriate for the genre while sight reading

7th and 8th Grade Choir Lesson Plans – August 26 – 30, 2019

Warm Ups will be chosen from the following list:
Sternum Power
Hug Yourself
Karate Kid
Italian Breath
Back Stretch
Home Alone
Get rid of the nose
Ear Training…123456789
Choral warm up
Do major scale
Do Minor scale

Sight Singing
Introduction to Sight Singing by Tim Winebrenner
Rhythm Bee #12 – 16

Students will continue to learn and memorize their appropriate part on each of the following songs; improving their tone and vocal recognition of notes.
Heart, We will forget him.
You are the song
Wade in the Water
Omnia Vincit Amor
Star of Light

TEKS: 117:210
117:210 (3)1d – Analyze musical forms presented aurally and through music notation such a binary, ternary, phrasic, rondo, and theme and variations
117:210 (3) 2b – Notate meter, rhythm, pitch and dynamics using standard symbols in a handwritten or computer generated format
117:210 (3) 3e – Sight Read independently and expressively, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and appropriate solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble performance techniques in known keys and rhythms.
117:210 (3) 4c – Compare and contrast relationships of music content and processes to other academic disciplines such as the relationship between music and mathematics, literature, history, sciences, and languages

6th Grade Choir Lesson Plans – Week of August 26 – 30, 2019

Warm Ups Chosen from “Pop” Warmups:
Best Day of my Life
In the Jungle

Sight Singing
Rhythm Bee
SOS – Simplifying our Sight Singing

Do Re Mi
Star Spangled Banner
Rock and Roll is Here to Stay
Blue Suede Shoes
Surfin’ USA
I wanna hold your hand
Tutti Frutti
Rock and Roll Forever

TEKS: 117.208

117.208(3)1d – Identify musical forms presented aurally and through music notation such as binary, ternary, phrasic rondo, and theme and variations
117.208(3)2d – Read music notation using appropriate cognitive and kinesthetic responses such as inner hearing and Curwen hand signs
117.208(3) 4e – Sight-read independently and expressively, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and appropriate solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble performance techniques in known keys and rhythms
117.208 (3) 5c – identify relationships of music concepts to other academic disciplines such as the relationship between music and mathematics, literature, history, and the sciences

Middle School All-Region Choir

Middle School  All Region Choir Information- 2019


Dear Parents,


On Saturday, October 26, 2019, the 7th and 8th Grade choir students have the opportunity to audition for the Middle School  All-Region Treble Choir and Tenor/Bass Choir. The contest will be held at Sulphur Springs Middle School in Sulphur Spring, Texas.


This is a contest in which the students will sing parts of 3 prepared songs for a panel of 5 judges.  The students are behind a curtain and are not seen by the judges.

They compete against other students in our region.   30 students are chosen from each Sop. 1, Sop. 2, and Alto parts to create  the Treble Choir (total of 90 in the choir) and 22 students are chosen from each tenor and bass part to make up the Tenor/Bass Choir (total of 44 in the choir.)


 On Saturday, November 9, the chosen students will participate in a Clinic/Concert at Mt. Pleasant High School.  After a full day of rehearsal, the choirs will perform at 5:00 p.m.


Whether the students advance to the All- Region choir or just audition, this experience is very valuable.  It builds confidence and increases musicianship.


I would like to encourage your child to participate in this event.


We will meet in the choir room at 7:15 a.m. the morning of Saturday, October 26, and travel to Sulphur Springs for competition.   Depending upon the contest running smoothly, we will return hopefully around 7:30 p.m. or earlier. We will stop for dinner at Chic-fil-a in Sulphur Springs.


Please sign the attached permission slip and return by Friday, August 30.


Thank you!

Please call if you have questions!

Amy Kessler 



Middle School All Region Choir 2019


Yes, _____________________________________ will audition for the Middle  School All-Region Choir, and may travel on the bus to Sulphur Springs Middle School in Sulphur Springs, Texas on Saturday, October 26, 2019. 


I realize that the school pays the $15.00 entry fee and I will reimburse the school if for any reason my child cannot attend.


Signed ___________________________________________


Start from Scratch Workshop for Choir

 You have the opportunity to learn your All-Region music on Saturday, September 7, at a Start from Scratch Workshop!

We will leave White Oak at 8:15 a.m. and go to LaTourneau University in Longview for a day of fun and practice.  Bring $20.00 for the workshop and $8.00 for lunch on campus or bring your own lunch. We will be back around 4:00 p.m.

All Region Choir Auditions

Small School High School All Region Choir Information- 2019

Dear Parents,

On Saturday, October 5, 2019, the High School choir students have the opportunity to audition for the High School All-Region Choir. The contest will be held at Texas High School in Texarkana, Texas.

This is a contest in which the students will sing parts of 4 prepared songs for a panel of 5 judges. The students are behind a curtain and are not seen by the judges.
They compete against other students in our region. 12 women and 10 men are chosen from
Each voice part to create the choir.

On Saturday, November 9, the chosen students will participate in a Clinic/Concert at Mt. Pleasant High School. After a full day of rehearsal, the choir will perform at 5:00 p.m.

Whether the students advance to the All- Region choir or just audition, this experience is very valuable. It builds confidence and increases musicianship.

I would like to encourage your child to participate in this event.

We will meet in the choir room at 6:45 a.m. the morning of Saturday, October 5, and travel to Texarkana, Texas for competition. Depending upon the contest running smoothly, we should be back around 7:00 p.m. The students will eat lunch at the school. There will be concession stand food, or your student may bring his/her lunch.

Please sign the attached permission slip and return by Friday, August 30.

Thank you!
Please call if you have questions!
Amy Kessler

Choir Lesson Plans – August 19-23, 2019

Lesson Plans August 19-23, 2019

JV and Varsity Choir Lesson Plans for the Week of August 19 – 23

Turn In Medical Releases and T-Shirt Forms
Announce Choir Officers
This week, the Warm Ups will be chosen from this list:
Body Alignment – p. 19 Perfect Bend
Breathing on SSs
Alphabet Activity
Hummers p. 46 Perfect Blend
The Slide is the Most Important p. 55 – Blend
Sing ah – p. 74 – Blend
Music Exercise 18 – p. 81 – Building Blocks

Sight Singing
Choral solfege
Note Naming review -Material on Slides
Hand out 90 days to Sight Singing and work through clips
Assess what the students know
Have students practice writing the do scale in C,F,G, and other keys

Students will begin work on All – Region Songs
Students will begin Star Spangled Banner

TEKS: 117-313. (3)1b.- Analyze advanced musical textures while using a melodic reading system.(3)2a – Read and notate music that incorporates advanced melodies and rhythms

7th and 8th Grade Choir for the week of August 19- 23
Turn in Medical releases and T-shirt forms
Announce Choir Officers
Warm Up list
Body Alignment – p. 19 Perfect Bend
Breathing on SSs
Alphabet Activity
Hummers p. 46 Perfect Blend
The Slide is the Most Important p. 55 – Blend
Sing ah – p. 74 – Blend
Music Exercise 18 – p. 81 – Building Blocks

Sight Reading –
Begin Rhythm Bee
Tim Winebrenner Music

Star Spangled banner
All- Region Songs

TEKS: 117.210 – (3) 1b. – Demonstrate detailed knowledge of tonal and rhythmic musical elements using standard terminology such as instrumentation, voicing, intervals, solfege, absolute note names, rhythmic values, and counting systems.

6th Grade Choir – August 19-23, 2019

Warm UPs
Sight Reading

Star Spangled Banner
Begin Rock and Roll Forever

TEKS: – 117.208 – 3(1) b – The students will describe tonal and rhythmic musical elements using standard terminology such as instrumentation, voicing, intervals, solfege, absolute note names, rhythmic values, and counting systems.

6th Grade Choir Handbook


White Oak 6th Grade Choir

The White Oak 6th grade choir is a performing group. During a 9 week time frame, the choir will learn either a concert of songs or a mini-musical and present it to the community.

The 6th graders are divided into three groups that rotate through choir for 9 weeks and study hall for 18 weeks. During the last 9 weeks of the school year, students may choose to be in choir and perform again.

Students will learn how to sing properly and how to develop their singing ability, as well as sight reading and ear training.
Performances will be held at the end of each 9 weeks.

Choir grades will consist of 9 or 10 grades per 9 weeks. The grades are then averaged together. Tests and Concert Participation will be 60 percent of the choir grade. Other quizzes and weekly participation grades will average as 40 percent of the choir grade.
There is no specific 6th grade choir outfit. Depending upon the concert or musical, outfits will coordinate with the particular performance.
Please let Mrs. Kessler know if you will not be able to attend the performance when the date is announced. A permission slip will be sent. Please send Mrs. Kessler a text or call her if you are sick and cannot attend.

White Oak Choir Lesson Plans – Week of August 15, 2019

JV and Varsity Choir Lesson Plans August 15, 2019

Assignment written on the board – Fill out the Medical Release and T-Shirt forms- Take home, get them signed, and bring back tomorrow.
Take attendance
Tennis Ball tango
Fill out form if you would like to be a choir officer. We will vote on Friday.
Talk about how to enter the room and how choir will get started everyday.
Talk about the MUSICAL!
Give out Handbook and discuss. Discuss rules. (the container system)
Give Everyone a folder slot and cell phone number slot.
Show slide show – “What Your Choir Teacher did this summer!”

Reminders- Bring Folders!! Check out Google Classroom Warm UPs and seating arrangements – “My Country Tis of Thee”- in several keys to hear voices quickly. Put words on screen.

Announce that tomorrow, they will be in new seating arrangements.

TEKS: 117-313. (3)1b.- Analyze advanced musical textures while using a melodic reading system.(3)2a – Read and notate music that incorporates advanced melodies and rhythms

JV and Varsity Choir Lesson Plans – August 16, 2019

Students enter the room. Put cell phones in slots. Get folders. Get All-Region music and put it folder. Begin looking at the music.
Take Attendance
Jammin’ Name Game
Vote for Officers
Talk about Google Classroom
Give Out Choral Warm Ups packet
Warm Up and Sing
Give Out example of rehearsal rubric
Discuss Rubric
Sing Through My Country tis of Thee again and check seating arrangements
Rehearse – “Star -Spangled Banner”

7th and 8th Grade Choir First Day – August 15, 2019
Assignment written on the board – Fill out the Medical Release and T-Shirt forms- Take home, get them signed, and bring back tomorrow.
Take attendance
Tennis Ball tango
Fill out form if you would like to be a choir officer. We will vote tomorrow.
Talk about how to enter the room and how choir will get started everyday.
Talk about the MUSICAL!
Give out Handbook and discuss. Discuss rules.
Give Everyone a folder slot and cell phone number slot.
Show slide show – “What Your Choir Teacher did this summer!”

Reminders- Bring Folders!! Check out Google Classroom

Warm UPs and seating arrangements – “My Country Tis of Thee”- in several keys to hear voices quickly. Put words on screen.

August 16, 2019
1.Students enter the room. Put cell phones in slots. Get folders. Get All-Region music and put it folder. Begin looking at the music.
2.Take Attendance
3.Jammin’ Name Game
4.Vote for Officers
5.Talk about Google Classroom
6.Black Socks Warm UP
7. Do Re Mi Warm Up
8.Sing Through My Country tis of Thee again and check seating arrangements
Rehearse – “Star -Spangled Banner”

TEKS: 117.210 – (3) 1b. – Demonstrate detailed knowledge of tonal and rhythmic musical elements using standard terminology such as instrumentation, voicing, intervals, solfege, absolute note names, rhythmic values, and counting systems.

6th Grade Choir – August 15, 2019
Students enter the room. Get a pencil, put names on folders.
Look at Choir Handbook
Take attendance.
Talk about rules and bean game!
Show slide show of “What your teacher did this summer!”
Warm UP exercises with hold the note game.
Black Socks – if time

6th Grade Choir – August 16, 2019

Students enter room
Begin assignment – “Getting to Know You”
Stand Up and Warm UP
Hold the Note game
Black Socks
Do Re Mi – Warm Up
Introduce – Rhythm Bee

TEKS: – 117.208 – 3(1) b – The students will describe tonal and rhythmic musical elements using standard terminology such as instrumentation, voicing, intervals, solfege, absolute note names, rhythmic values, and counting systems.



Let’s Stage a Musical!!!!!!

The White Oak High School Theatre and Choir Departments are teaming up for a memorable 2019, as we make plans for a FALL MUSICAL! Auditions will be held on Thursday, August 29th, from 4-7 pm in the auditorium. Students who desire a role must present a 1-minute monologue, along with a song from a musical. Audition info will be available in Mrs. Kessler and Mr. Higginbotham’s classrooms when school resumes. So, gather up those audition pieces and start rehearsing. August 29th will be here before you know it. BREAK-A-LEG! 


Welcome back to school!! I am looking forward to a great year!



Here are your codes for Google Classroom:

HIGH SCHOOL : ak56fk9


See you at MEET THE TEACHER!! MONDAY NIGHT!! 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Come by for Cookies and Punch!!


Choir Handbook



The White Oak ISD Choral program includes three basic areas of involvement.
Daily classroom rehearsal, which takes place every day in the classroom.
Performance, which is a culmination of our rehearsals and daily work.
Competition, in which students have the opportunity to participate in various auditions/contests throughout the school year.
The guidelines outlined on the following pages are designed to help bring about success of our choral program at White Oak ISD. In complying with them you will fulfill a commitment to the Choir, our community, and first, yet foremost, a commitment to yourself to follow your dreams and discipline yourself to be the best you can be in life.

To teach an appreciation and understanding of the performing arts and how music influences and reflects history and culture
To teach the importance of self-discipline, cooperation, loyalty and respect for others, as well as individual responsibility
To create in students a desire and appreciation for excellence in the performance of any endeavor
To teach students how to set individual goals in life, and how to accomplish those goals through dedication, self-discipline and persistence
To teach students the skills needed to perform to the best of their ability

Always conduct yourself with honor and integrity, being honest and fair to all others.
Be regular in attendance and account for all absences.
Be prepared for all rehearsals and performances and be on time.
Become responsible for and expect to assume the benefits or consequences of his/her actions.
Be personally clean, neat, and dressed appropriately, in school as well as participation in our choral extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
Be personally responsible for all information regarding the choir, rehearsals, events, and schedules and in relaying such information to parents and/or guardians.
Cooperate with fellow choir members and share with them the responsibilities and privileges that are part of this choral program.
Be responsible for the upkeep and cleaning of your uniform. as well as the return of all assigned uniform articles at the close of this school year.
Follow all classroom rules, school handbook rules, regulations, and travel instructions for trips.
Always strive, persevere, and maintain a positive attitude toward achieving your goals as a choir member. No one is expected to be perfect….but everyone is expected to give their all!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Choir is considered an extra- curricular course. **UIL rules require our students to follow the NO PASS, NO PLAY guidelines. Participation in competition is allowed only if the student has a passing grade (70 or above) in all courses. If ineligibility occurs, the student must regain his (her) eligibility through passing all courses by the next 3-week progress report to participate in another activity. To remain in HS Varsity Mixed Choir, this is a MUST! Every member’s participation is necessary for the success of our Varsity program.

Fines are assessed for lost or damaged materials (classroom furniture, music, uniform items, etc.). All fundraiser collections are due AT THE CONCLUSION of that particular fundraiser. Fines are also assessed for entry fees from unattended competitions, even if this has resulted due to ineligibility: if the student signs up to participate, then he (she) must be responsible for maintaining his (her) eligibility in all courses, and committed in auditioning and/or performing; otherwise they must reimburse the district for the cost of their entry fee.

The raising of funds allows for scholarships toward various activities, as well as help students to defer the cost of travel to participate in Music Festivals & State Events.
Most of these are one-day events. All students participating in the fundraising activities are eligible for the trips of the various choirs. Any student may choose not to participate in a fundraising event. But, if the student desires trip participation, money will likely need to be collected. Fundraiser accounts are on an individual basis, and everyone must be responsible for their own merchandise and money.

Grades are based on the following criteria:
Attitude & Participation: daily class and outside classroom scheduled events.
Attendance at Extra Rehearsals, as well as Attendance for our Entire Concerts.
Proper attire for the concerts.
No student will be allowed to “exempt” any Concert. Your Grade on a concert will be determined by your participation, behavior, and the act of observing other Choirs on the concert program, and not allowed to exempt. It will be calculated as a Major 9 wks. grade, counting 60% of your 9 wks. grade, and not your Semester Final.
Each student earns a weekly participation grade of up to 100 possible points calculated from their daily participation that week, and based upon teacher observation. Self-discipline and a proper attitude are absolute requirements. Disturbances, by any choir member in rehearsal, will result in the lowering of the participation grade.
Homework assignments may also be given. This would primarily involve marking their music according to my instruction, but could include rehearsal, memorization, etc. of music. If an assignment is given, each student is expected to complete this work by the assigned date! These assignments will count as a weekly test grade.
Rhythm or Melody tests may be given and averaged into the daily grades, also.
All choir members are expected to attend extra rehearsals and performances as requested by the director. Advance notice will be given prior to these rehearsals.
Performances are the finished products of our rehearsals; therefore this area is a requirement, and not acceptable to missing.
Their participation, attendance and attire during the entire concert evening will be a major test grade. All choir members are expected to attend the entire length of our concerts. This allows the student to observe other choirs, as well as show respect to these other students who have worked diligently preparing for their concert. This also relates directly to the student in fulfilling TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) requirements through participation, demonstration, illustration, and/or observation.

Choir folders and music are comparable to textbooks of other classes. The student is responsible for having his (her) folder with all contents for the beginning of each rehearsal. A storage bin is provided for the safekeeping of folders in the choir room. Below is the list of supplies required:
a 1” BLACK, “hard-surface” folder (with inside pockets) which has 3 rings
a 3-hole pencil pouch with 4 pencils, and 2 YELLOW highlighters
7th grade students bring a box of Kleenex
8th grade students bring 1 dispenser of hand sanitizer.

Our Music is very expensive. Special care of music is a necessity; therefore any lost, damaged or unnecessarily marked music is your responsibility; fines may be assessed accordingly.
If you lose your pencils, please replace them with other pencils, immediately.
NEVER USE AN INK PEN IN YOUR MUSIC, unless instructed by me to do so!
Individual competitions such as All-Region, Pre-Area, and Area auditions are used as the Texas All-State Choir selection process. These are optional for the student to participate in the 1st round, but are required once you are selected to participate in the next round of auditions. Also, these must meet all eligibility requirements to participate. For 7th & 8th Gr. students, the only level of auditions are at the Region level, although you will also be required to perform in the All-Region Concert in November, if selected to a choir.
UIL Solo/Ensemble, and UIL Texas State Solo & Ensemble are also optional, but are highly encouraged as these types of events challenge the student to develop his (her) talents more fully and earn honors for themselves that could lead to College Scholarship opportunities. Students must meet all eligibility requirements to participate.
Group competition will be UIL Concert/Sight-Reading Contest, which is REQUIRED from all members who meet all eligibility requirements to participate.
High School choral students will be offered excellent opportunities for choir workshops, in which area colleges conduct to help prepare the students for individual contests such as HS Mixed Region to Area competitions. Advancements at these contests lead to selection to the Texas All-State Choir. These will be at the expense of the student (usually $20.00 for a Saturday workshop), and may involve the student providing his (her) own transportation to and from the workshop. Eligibility requirements apply!

All members will travel to competitions, performances, destinations, etc. on school-approved transportation, unless otherwise noted by separate permission forms. Students may ride back from any of the above with a parent or guardian, if they have signed out on location with the director or supervisor in authority. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE LOCATION OF THE EVENT WITH ANYONE BUT THEIR PARENT OR GUARDIAN, unless PRIOR arrangements have been made with the choral director, and are subject to the approval of the school’s principal.
Additional Parental Supervision will be needed at most all of the above mentioned activities. At all of our competitive events, I will be required to Judge in a contest room. Therefore I am not available to supervising the students while the contest is in session. I NEED Parent Helpers to supervise the safety of our children during those hours. If your child is involved in any of the above, please be in agreement with assisting us if I call on you to supervise. Your student’s safety will be of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE! If there are no parent volunteers, then our students will not be allowed to participate in the event. So, PLEASE help us.

Contact Numbers:
HS & MS Choir Director/ Amy Kessler/903-291-2051/903-563-0353
High School Principal /Donna Jennings/903-291-2001
Middle School Principal /Becky Balboa / 903-291-2055

High School: All high school members will receive a formal concert uniform. All parts of the uniform are the responsibility of the student. Uniforms are issued ready for performance. The uniforms will need to be returned, in your garment bag, at the end of this school year, along with money for our cost of dry cleaning: Men-$15.00 / Women-$5.00

High School: Uniforms
Men: Issued Tuxedo includes Black Jacket & Pants, White Tux Shirt, Bow Tie, Cummerbund & Garment Bag.
All guys need to provide their own Black Dress Shoes and Black Crew Socks.

Women: Issued Formal Black Dress, Garment Bag; Provide your own Black Flat Dress Shoes, or use provided shoes.
Both Men & Women: Choir T-Shirt – – Small/Med./Large; $12.00 – XL; $13.00 XXL $14.00; with DARK blue jeans or Black blue jeans. Girls will NOT wear leggings.
A test grade of 50 will be given if the proper uniform is not worn and the student will not be allowed to perform.

Middle School: Uniforms

Both Men & Women: Choir T-Shirt – $12.00 – SML; $13.00 XL; $14.00 XXL; $15.00 XXXL. With DARK blue jeans or Black blue jeans.
The Girls who will compete in Concert and Sight Reading will wear solid black dresses or solid black skirt and blouse; knee length or longer with flat black shoes and nude hose. Boys competing in Concert and Sight Reading will wear a solid color black shirt with solid black dress pants and black shoes and socks.
A test grade of 50 will be given if the student does not have proper attire at a concert and he/she will not be able to perform.