September 13-17

Happy Homecoming Week

White Oak Celebrates Homecoming in an incredible way!!!  The High School Choir will be part of the celebration at the Friday night game!



Our choir shirts should be in and if you are not already in a uniform(like band or football) you will be wearing this shirt when we sing between 3rd and 4th quarter.  We will be singing God Bless America.  Please plan on attending(not optional)

Permission slips for the Kilgore Workshop are due Friday September 17.  We will be riding the bus to Kilgore College to study our all-region music even more intently!  There is no cost to the student, but please bring money for lunch.

All-region tryouts are October 9  This is a Saturday and all students are expected to try-out unless there is a school/family conflict that we have discussed previously.

We will be working this week on God Bless America and our All-Region Songs.  Please remember to do 30 minutes of outside practice as well(unless you attended Saturday workshop)

Choir students are awesome!  I am so proud of you!

7th/8th Grade choir

Middle School Choir is working on All-Region selections.

Contest is October 16.  Please put this date on your calendar and plan on your student attending

The students also have access to the music online so they may practice outside of class

We are also learning to sight read!

There are some great voices in this choir!  I cannot wait to see where they will go!

6th Grade choir

Friday we recorded “We Remember” – a tribute to the heroes of 911

We are also working on a series of songs that they will be ready to perform soon!

6th graders are learning the fundamentals of sight reading including pitch and note value!

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