Welcome to White Oak Choir. Its great to see you back!
6th Grade
Please have a 3 ring binder – any color is fine, a pencil pouch with a highlighter and 2 pencils. You pay purchase a “used pencil pouch with pencils and a highlighter for $1 if you need. These are due by Friday!
Classroom Procedures and Goals
Recorder Rules and Distribution
Fun Warm up Songs
7th/8th Grade Choir
Choir folders and music are comparable to textbooks of other classes. The student is responsible for having their folder with all contents for the beginning of each rehearsal. A storage bin is provided for the safekeeping of folders in the choir room. Below is the list of supplies required:
- a 1” BLACK, “hard-surface” folder (with inside pockets) which has 3 rings
- a 3-hole pencil pouch with 4 pencils, and 2 YELLOW highlighters
It is the student responsibility to put notebooks back in their respective slots each day. Failure to do so will result in points being deducted from weekly grade.
Our Music is very expensive. Special care of music is a necessity; therefore any lost, damaged or unnecessarily marked music is your responsibility; fines may be assessed accordingly.
If you lose your pencils, please replace them with other pencils, immediately.
NEVER USE AN INK PEN IN YOUR MUSIC, unless instructed by me to do so!
Getting to Know You Games: Team Building
Classroom Procedures
Important Dates
Identify Voice Parts
Warm ups
Songs in the Night by Johnson Highlight Part. Begin listening to individual voice parts. Practice in groups
Vote on Choir Officers and assign Section Leaders
Choir folders and music are comparable to textbooks of other classes. The student is responsible for having their folder with all contents for the beginning of each rehearsal. A storage bin is provided for the safekeeping of folders in the choir room. Below is the list of supplies required:
- a 1” BLACK, “hard-surface” folder (with inside pockets) which has 3 rings
- a 3-hole pencil pouch with 4 pencils, and 2 YELLOW highlighters
It is the student responsibility to put notebooks back in their respective slots each day. Failure to do so will result in points being deducted from weekly grade.
Our Music is very expensive. Special care of music is a necessity; therefore any lost, damaged or unnecessarily marked music is your responsibility; fines may be assessed accordingly.
If you lose your pencils, please replace them with other pencils, immediately.
NEVER USE AN INK PEN IN YOUR MUSIC, unless instructed by me to do so!
Distribute All Region Music
Discuss Handbook and first assignment
Warm up song
Identify and Verify Voice Parts
Sight Reading Review
Sol-Feg Review
Sight Reading Expectations and Assignments
Begin Kyrie from Missa Pange Highlight voice parts Begin working in individual groups on parts
Friday. Student Parent Signatures Due and All Supplies
Middle School
- Foundations: music literacy. The student describes and analyzes music and musical sound
- a. compare and contrast exemplary musical examples using technology
- c. demonstrate knowledge of musical elements of rhythm, including whole notes, half, notes quarter notes. etc
High School 117.314 2a. Read and notate music that incorporates advanced melodies and rhythms
3b demonstrate rhythmic accuracy using complex tempos and an appropriate tempo
6ie evaluate musical performances by comparing them to similar or exemplary models and offering constructive suggestions for improvement