What a great group of individuals with so much potential!
We will be working diligently on the four all-region contest songs. If you are not attending the workshop on Saturday, I need students to document 8 hours of outside practice within the next four weeks. This can easily be done by coming to my room mornings 7:30 to 8 and working on this music.
This week we will be adding sight-reading exercises to the mix!
We will continue to work on God Bless America
Important dates to have on your calendar. September 17 – all high school choir students will be singing at Homecoming!(This is not optional, so please put this on your calendar!)
All Region auditions will most likely be held early October. I have a meeting in Mount Pleasant today to get actual dates.
*Your all region music is all downloaded to your google classroom. Please make sure you have access to this and are utilizing daily!
Middle School
7/8th Grade
Wow! This group really has some talent! I am so excited about their vocal abilities. This week we will begin sight reading
Intermediate Singing Textbook. pp 1-11. Topics covered : beat, quarter note, quarter rest, pitch, half note, half rest, do to sol
Come, Ye Sons of art pp. 40 – 44. Focus on dynamics. CD #1 9-10
The Star Spangled Banner with parts!
6th Grade:
Sol-feg Whole scale. Solidify Do to So. Continue working on Hand Signs
Theory pp. 1-5
Sing: Heros in Us – Medley
We Remember