*Solo and Ensemble for Varsity Choir Feb 7 in Marshall at ETBU
We will LEAVE at 7:30. Theatre students will ride with Brooke Morris to and from. Meagan will ride with us and be driven home by parent.
You must have your original music(book) not a copy for the judge. Measures must be numbered. Make sure you are able to hook up to my speaker or bring your own if you are using tracks.
Dress is casual business – no jeans/sweats/tennis shoes.
Students who don’t attend will go to library during choir that day.
Bring money for lunch if you want to eat that day. We will ruturn for 7/8 period
Varsity Chir
Sightreading Day 1-5
Solo and Ensemble Performances Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday
Prep and Practice for Compition
6th Grade
Monday Sight Reading Focus
Tuesday Tuber Tuesday – Unique Warm ups and ACtivities
Wednesday – Games
Thursday – Program Focus
Fridaay. – Talent Day
Everyday – Solfeg, Warm ups, Matilda Lion King – Begin Choreography
7/8 Grade
Monday Sight Reading
Tuesday Tuber Tuesday
Wednesday Solo Work Exclusively
Thursday Program Focus
Everyday – Solfeg, Grease, choose an additional musical to start. Dona Nobis. Graduate to 3 parts by end of the week