Important Dates for Varsity Choir
- October 14 quartet sings for Alzheimers Walk
- November 4 Region clinic and Concert * for those qualifying Mount Pleasant
- November 10 Kilgore College comes to White Oak to work with Pre Area
- November 14 Pre Area Audition Mount Pleasant
- December 12 Christmas ConceCome support our quartet Saturday morning as they sing for the Alzheimer’s Walk. This is a great cause and a great group singing.
Monday October 16 – students do not have school
Tuesday – Abba Forever as a class – will choose soloist this week
Wednesday – I’m on my Way and The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Thursday – Christmas Music
Friday Christmas Music
JV – Abba Forever and Christmas M
Begin Music Theory Packet
Important Dates for MIddle School
October 21 Those trying out for All Region Choir will leave the school at 7:45 for auditions. Meet in the choir room.
- November 4 Region clinic and Concert * for those qualifying Mount Pleasant
- December 12 Christmas ConceCome support our quartet Saturday morning as they sing for the Alzheimer’s Walk. This is a great cause and a great group singing.
Intense week of All Region Prep
Auditions this Saturday in Sulphur Springs
Choose additional Christmas Song for concert
6th Grade
Welcome to Music!
We will be working on Holiday Road
Day 1 – distributing materials and discussing expectations
Day 2-3 Singing
Day 4 Students choice of music – details given in class!